【1】、 最好的朋友是指出我们的缺点并帮助改正的人。
The best friend is the one who points out our shortcomings and helps us correct them.
【2】、 有生必有死。
As we live we must die.
【3】、 水能载舟,也能覆舟。
Water can carry a boat or overturn it.
【4】、 从写作中学写作。
You learn to write by writing.
【5】、 高价卖不为过,短斤少两才有罪。
It is a sin to sell short, but sell dear.
【6】、 轻诺必寡信。
Promise little and trust little.
【7】、 老柴最好烧,陈酒最好饮,老友最可靠,老作家的书最好读。
Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.
【8】、 眼睛能看见一切的东西,但看不见自己。
The eye that sees all things else sees not itself.
【9】、 酒肉之交非朋友。
Wine and meat make no friends.
【10】、 光荣是美德的影子。
Glory is the shadow of virtue.
【11】、 草率从事没有好结果。
Hasty work never pays.
【12】、 闪光的不一定都是金子。
All that glitters is not gold.
【13】、 万事皆通,一无所长。
He who knows everything knows nothing.
【14】、 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。
One drop of poison infects the whole cask of wine.
【15】、 最不行的人,往往能提出最好的意见。
The worst men often give the best advice.
【16】、 健康就是幸福。
Health is happi多音字组词ness.
【17】、 疾病使人亮出本来面目。
Sickness shows us what we really are.
【18】、 每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。
Every man is the master of his own fortune.
【19】、 舌头虽只三寸长,但能杀害六尺汉。
The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.
【20】、 今天是昨天的学者。
Today is the scholar of yesterday.
【21】、 孤独的人最苦恼。
Woe to him who is alone.
【22】、 贫穷人要求多,守财奴样样要。
The poor man wants much, the miser everything.
【23】、 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。
Envy is at the top.
【24】、 审人论事宜谨慎,一见之下莫断定。
Judge not of men and matters at first sight.
【25】、 母爱永恒。
A mother's love never changes.
【26】、 时机失了无法挽回。
Time lost cannot be redeemed. 英语谚语大全
【27】、 生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。
A day in your life is a page in your history.
【28】、 集思广益。
Put your heads together.
【29】、 浪费招致穷困。
Waste begets poverty.
【30】、 游手好闲是万恶之源。
Idleness is the root of all evil.
【31】、 读书如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。
Use a book as a bee does flowers.
【32】、 重伤可治,臭名难除。
Serious injuries are curable but infamy is not.
【33】、 适度是宝。
Moderation is treasure.
【34】、 老虎一次尝到血,它的贪心就更大。
The tiger that once tasted blood is ever more greedy.
【35】、 静以修身。
Silence is the soul of virtue.
【36】、 少女露笑脸,婚事半成全。
A maid that laughs is half taken.
【37】、 困兽犹斗。
A sleepy beast will turn.
【38】、 空手诱不来老鹰。
Empty hands do not lure eagles.
【39】、 笑里藏刀。
A smile hides a sword. www.yipinjuzi.com
【40】、 蠢人也能找出聪明人无法弥补的岔子来的。
A fool may find faults that a wise man cannot remedy.
【41】、 只要真正渴求知识,都能得到,这是知识的特点。
It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it.
【42】、 真正幸福的是使人幸福的人。
He is truly happy who makes others happy.
【43】、 穷汉娶富妻,必受老婆欺。
A poor man who takes a rich wife makes himself an ass.
【44】、 学而不思,犹如食而不化。
To learn without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
【45】、 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。
The sky is not less blue because the blind man cannot see it.
【46】、 先入为主。
First impressions are most important.
【47】、 羽毛未丰不要飞。
Don't fly till you are green.
【48】、 书的价值不在封面。"
The value of a book is not in its cover."
【49】、 人不可貌相。
Judge not from appearances.
【50】、 傻瓜总爱强出头。
A fool always rushes to the fore.
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