【1】、 什么匠人出什么活。
As is the workman, so is the work.
【2】、 我们不知道的东西多得不可胜数。
There is an infinite number of things we do not know.
【3】、 嘴勤不如手勤。
Hand is better than mouth.
【4】、 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。
Pride and grace never dwell together.
【5】、 无所得即有所失。
Nothing gain, nothing lose.
【6】、 美貌无需擦脂抹粉。
Beauty needs no paint.
【7】、 无债就是富。
He is rich who owes nothing.
【8】、 有宝何必人前夸。
There is no use crying over spilt milk. 英语谚语大全
【9】、 大腹便便,头脑空虚。"
Big be爱组词lly, empty head."
【10】、 好问是非者,恰是是非之人。
He that inquires right and wrong is right and wrong.
【11】、 兔子睡大觉,乌龟才得胜。
The tortoise wins the race only when the hare is asleep.
【12】、 对明智者一言已足。
A word is enough to the wise.
【13】、 以前他们认为是偶然的,现在我们认为是必然的。
They used to think it was accidental; now we think it's inevitable.
【14】、 敬而远之。
Keep at a respectful distance.
【15】、 塞翁失马,安知非福。
A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.
【16】、 骗子说真话,也没人相信。
A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
【17】、 老家伙学不出新名堂。
An old dog will learn no new tricks.
【18】、 宁可(经常运动)穿破鞋子,也不(因病长卧)磨破床单。
Better wear out shoes than sheets.
【19】、 百川入海。
All rivers run into the sea.
【20】、 看破生死者,大多会成功。
Most who see through life and death succeed.
【21】、 讲礼貌的得友情,好心肠的得感情。
Politeness leads to friendship, kindness to affection.
【22】、 朋友可相逢,高山永分离。
Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.
【23】、 美德大多只是良好的习惯。
Virtue consists mostly in good habits.
【24】、 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。
Be just to all, but trust not all.
【25】、 一分钱,一分货。
You get what you pay for.
【26】、 饿的肚子顾不到体面。
A hungry belly makes no respecters.
【27】、 老蜂不酿蜜。
Old bees yield no honey.
【28】、 友谊是爱加上谅解。
Friendship is love with understanding.
【29】、 不回答也是一种回答。
No answer is also an answer.
【30】、 君须自敬,人乃敬之。
Respect yourself, respect others.
【31】、 如要是情做得好,你须亲自动手搞。
If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself.
【32】、 要少说多听。
Speak less and listen more.
【33】、 想得贤妻子,须娶好女儿。
A good wife makes a good daughter.
【34】、 如要忠告向老人请教。
Ask an old man for advice.
【35】、 适可而止,过犹不及。
Enough is as good as too much.
【36】、 一事之失,不必介意。
Never mind a thing lost.
【37】、 忠言无害。
Good counsel never hurt.
【38】、 禁果格外香。
Forbidden fruit is sweet.
【39】、 人人都有自己的弱点。
Every man has his weak side.
【40】、 吃得快,做得快。
Quick at meal, quick at work.
【41】、 下山容易上山难。
It is easier to go down than up.
【42】、 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。
We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.
【43】、 负债的人谎话多。"
People in debt lie more."
【44】、 吃过苦头,才配享受。
He that has suffered is worthy of enjoyment.
【45】、 百无聊赖。
【46】、 愚蠢的本质是只看到别人的错处而忘却了自己的过失。
It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget your own. www.yipinjuzi.com
【47】、 真正的智慧是知道最值得知道的事情和做最值得做的事情。
True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing and to do what is best worth doing.
【48】、 反败为胜。
Turn the tables.
【49】、 天才常被天才误。
Genius often betrays itself into error.
【50】、 午夜前睡一小时抵得上午夜后睡三小时。
One hour's sleep before midnight is worth three after.
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