Adversity makes a man wise.【2】、 爱情无需教导。
Love needs no teaching.【3】、" />
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【1】、 逆境出人才。
Adversity makes a man wise.

【2】、 爱情无需教导。
Love needs no teaching.

【3】、 睡觉的狐狸抓不到鸡鸭。
The sleeping fox catches no poultry.

【4】、 公说公有理,婆说婆有理。
There is much to be said on both sides.

【5】、 敌人献礼品,千万莫轻信。
Believe not the gifts of the enemy.

【6】、 风水轮流转。
Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.

【7】、 Andeveninthemostdifficulttimes,wefindthereisalwaysawaytogetthrough
Andeveninthemostdifficulttimes, wefindthereisalwaysawaytogetthrough

【8】、 工作出工匠。
Work makes the workman.

【9】、 心灵不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。
The mind is not where it lives, but where it loves.

【10】、 情人眼里出西施。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

【11】、 (OM)当达到爱的较高境界时,一切都变得明亮而平静,就像天上的星星一样
When we reach the higher plane of love, everything becomes as bright and quiet as the stars in the sky

【12】、 病,仇与债这三者,一露苗头就砍掉。
Disease, enmity, and debt -- these three must be cut off at the first sign of life.

【13】、 三脚猫无所长。
A three-legged cat has no legs.

【14】、 使你有益于人。
Make yourself useful to others.


【15】、 丧失好名誉,犹如活死人。
A good name lost is a living death.

【16】、 赌博使我们丢失时间和金钱,这两样人生最珍贵的东西。
Gambling costs us both time and money, the two most precious things in life.

【17】、 聪明人循理智办事,平常人照经验办事,蠢人按需要办事,畜生凭本能办事。
Wise men act by reason; ordinary men by experience; fools by necessity; brutes by instinct.

【18】、 大海有能容之量。
The sea has its capacity.

【19】、 健康的身体贵于黄金铸成的皇冠。
A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.

【20】、 取暖太近火,会被火灼伤。
If you get too close to the fire, it will burn you. 英语谚语大全

【21】、 仁慈可进入任何禁地。
Mercy may enter any forbidden land.

【22】、 漂亮不能当饭吃。
Beauty will buy no beef.

【23】、 不能偶而装疯卖傻,就不是一个聪明人。
He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool now and then.

【24】、 走到东,走到西,最好还是到家里。
East or west, home is best.

【25】、 只要信任你自己,别人不会辜负你。
As long as you trust yourself, others will not disappoint you.

【26】、 井多吊桶也多。
Many Wells, many buckets.

【27】、 人非生而知之者。
Man is not born wise.

【28】、 不要忘记你是一个人。
Don't forget you are a person.

【29】、 今天一天抵明天两天。
One today is worth two tomorrows.


【30】、 醉汉口里露真言。
Truth is in the mouth of a drunkard.

【31】、 靠欺骗得来的利益会使自己受害。
Gain gained by deceit will catch up with itself.

【32】、 太阳同样地普照一切。
The sun shines all alike.

【33】、 天无绝人之路。
God never shuts one door but he opens another.

【34】、 月亮岂怕狗来吠。
The moon does not fear the barking of dogs.

【35】、 如果老狗叫,他是给忠告。
If the old dog barks, he is giving advice.

【36】、 问道于盲,无益于事。
It is no use asking questions.

【37】、 欢乐不觉时光过。
Happiness takes no account of time.

【38】、 要推动事业,不要让事业来推动你。
Push your career, don't let it push you.

【39】、 时间可以冲淡最强烈的悲伤。
Time tames the strongest grief.

【40】、 历史本身常重演。
History repeats itself.

【41】、 不要惹事生非。
Let sleeping dogs lie.

【42】、 自吹自擂。
Blow one's own trumpet.

【43】、 怕吃败仗的就要打败仗。
He who fears defeat is sure of defeat.

【44】、 玩火者必自焚。
He that plays with fire gets burnt.

【45】、 你跟驴子开玩笑,将被驴尾打耳光。
If you joke with an ass, he will slap you in the face with his tail.

【46】、 夺了我的名誉等于夺了我的生命。
Take away my good name and take away my life.

【47】、 真人不露相,露相非真人。
多音字组词A wise head makes a close mouth.

【48】、 自作自受。
What goes around comes around.

【49】、 健康是最重要的财富。
The most important wealth is health.

【50】、 忽视健康,医生财旺。
Neglect of health is doctor's wealth.

> 一品英语谚语大全【153】





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