Those who eat the most are" />
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【1】、 吃得最多的人不一定最肥胖,读书最多的人不一定最聪明。
Those who eat the most are not necessarily the fattest, and those who read the most are not necessarily the wisest.

【2】、 青年冒失莽撞;成年发奋图强;老年遗憾懊丧。
Youth is rash; Adult struggle; Old age is a regret.

【3】、 心病还需心药医。
Medicine is the best remedy for a broken heart.

【4】、 摆架子,目空一切。2
Put on AIRS. 2

【5】、 要多看少说。
See more and speak less.

【6】、 过去的痛苦即是快乐。
Pain past is pleasure.

【7】、 离远而情疏。
Far from home, far from home.

【8】、 爱情是没理智的。
Love is without reason.

【9】、 爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚要求坚贞。
Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness.

【10】、 无火没有烟。
No fire, no smoke.

【11】、 勿缘木求鱼。
Don't go fishing for fish.

【12】、 不会撑船怪河弯。
A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

【13】、 绝处能逢生。
Every cloud has a silver lining.

【14】、 爱情在市场上是找不到的。
Love is not to be found in the market.


【15】、 嘴上没毛,办事不牢。
A hairless mouth makes a poor hand.

【16】、 纵然知其难免一死,人却难料何时身亡。
It is impossible to know when a man will die, even though he knows he must die.

【17】、 唯智者善于利用空闲。
Only a wise man can make good use of leisure.

【18】、 切莫讳疾忌医。
Don't deny medical treatment.

【19】、 捷足先登。
The early bird catches the worm.

【20】、 人人都有伤心处。
Every heart has its own sorrow. 英语谚语大全

【21】、 追求爱情,它要逃走;逃避爱情,它会跟你。
Follow love and it will flee; Run from love and it will follow you.

【22】、 只要自重、自觉、自制,人生就可达到至多音字组词高无上的境地。
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.

【23】、 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。
Eat to please yourself, but dress to please others.

【24】、 懂得最少的人自以为最了不起。
He thinks most who knows least.

【25】、 只要信任你自己,别人不会辜负你。
As long as you trust yourself, others will not disappoint you.

【26】、 能充分利用时间的人不会有时间多馀。
Those who make the best use of their time have none to spare.

【27】、 不花力气,不下功夫是得不到知识的。
Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application.

【28】、 事事皆知,事事不懂。
He who knows everything knows nothing.

【29】、 人生的主要目的不是为了挣钱。
The main purpose of life is not to make money.


【30】、 因噎废食。
Give up eating for fear of choking.

【31】、 无人能有所欲有。
No one can have all he wants.

【32】、 名誉是放大镜。
Fame is a magnifying glass.

【33】、 滴水穿石。
Constant dropping wears the stone.

【34】、 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。
One drop of poison infects the whole cask of wine.

【35】、 粗话无害,甘言无益。
Bad words will do no harm, but good words will do no good.

【36】、 理想好像星星,不能摘到,但我们犹如水手,可借它指引航向。
Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.

【37】、 聪明的人有足够的才智处理自己的事情。
A wise man is wise enough to handle his own business.

【38】、 经验无止境。
There is no end to experience.

【39】、 承认错误,等于改正一半。
A fault confessed is half redressed.

【40】、 欢乐的时间过得快。
Happy time flies.

【41】、 爱情使世界运转。
Love makes the world go round.

【42】、 不向上爬的也不会下跌。
He who does not climb never falls.

【43】、 血浓于水。Bloodwillhaveblood
Blood is thicker than water. Bloodwillhaveblood

【44】、 拖延误事。
Delay catches no flies.

【45】、 责备应受责备者,表扬应受表扬者。
He who blames, shall be blamed. He who commends, shall be praised.

【46】、 保持一件坏事的代价超过十件好事。
Maintaining one vice costs more than ten virtues.

【47】、 不能以衣着取人。
You can't judge a man by his clothes.

【48】、 谎言是做贼的第一步。
A lie is the first step to becoming a thief.

【49】、 星星之火,可以燎原。
A single spark can start a prairie fire.

【50】、 大智若愚。
Still waters run deep.

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