【1】、 切莫教鱼游泳。
Never offer to teach fish to swim.
【2】、 心直口快。
Speak your mind.
【3】、 (Aristotle)恶人因为怕而顺从,善人因为爱而服从。"
The wicked obey because he is afraid, the good because he loves.
【4】、 青年人向前看,老年人向后看。
Young men look forward, old men backward.
【5】、 欲捉鸟莫惊鸟。
He that would catch a bird must not scare it.
【6】、 细心勤奋,带来好运。
Care and diligence bring luck.
【7】、 愚者设筵,智者赴宴。
Fools make feasts and wise men eat them.
【8】、 明镜照容颜,醇酒见人心。
As the glass looks, so the wine looks. 英语谚语大全
【9】、 玩火者必自焚。
He that plays with fire gets burnt.
【10】、 鞋匠的老婆没有好鞋穿。
The cobbler's wife has no good shoes.
【11】、 一仆不能事二主。
A man cannot serve two masters.
【12】、 我们的失败多数是由于缺乏自信。
Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.
【13】、 放债人的记性比借债人好。
Creditors have better memories than debtors.
【14】、 伟人受苦,声色不露。
Great souls suffer in silence.
【15】、 傻子总爱装聪明。
Every fool pretends to be wise.
【16】、 苦难是磨练人的好机会。
Adversity is a good discipline.
【17】、 精神财富是唯一的真正财富。
The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.
【18】、 狐狸会变,但本性难移。
A fox may grow grey, but never good.
【19】、 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻;尽玩耍,不学习,聪明孩子没出息。
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All play and no work makes jack a dull boy.
【20】、 取悦各方,谈何容易。
Pleasing all sides is not easy.
【21】、 母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。
A mother's heart is a child's classroom.
【22】、 爬梯必须从底层开始。
The ladder must begin at the bottom.
【23】、 欢乐的时间过得快。
Happy time flies.
【24】、 只工作而无娱乐会使人愚钝。
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
【25】、 小小的躯体会有伟大的心灵。
Little bodies may have great souls.
【26】、 智力胜于财富。
Intelligence is better than wealth.
【27】、 不要过河拆桥。
Don多音字组词39;t burn your Bridges.
【28】、 智者皆能视苦为乐。
Pain is pleasure to all the wise.
【29】、 做事不急,履险如夷。
He who does not hurry treads lightly.
【30】、 从容赶急。
Take your time.
【31】、 人微言轻。
Little men say little.
【32】、 奉承惹人喜,直言招人仇。
Flattery begets joy, but truth begets enmity.
【33】、 好人不长寿。
A good man does not live long.
【34】、 大智者寡于言。
Great minds have little to say.
【35】、 对青年人,我要奉劝几句话∶工作,工作,再工作。
To youth I have but a few words of counsel: work, work, work.
【36】、 是上无天才,勤学加苦练。
There is no such thing as genius.
【37】、 两只耳朵对一舌,故应多听而少说。
Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear much and speak little.
【38】、 智者当差,不用交代。
A wise man on duty needs no explanation.
【39】、 不要惹事生非。
Let sleeping dogs lie.
【40】、 技能和信心是不可克服的军队。
Skill and confidence are an insurmountable army.
【41】、 巧妇难为无米之炊。
One cannot make bricks without straw.
【42】、 奶水泡出懦弱汉。
Milk bubble out weak man.
【43】、 一愚所失,百智难回。
A fool may throw a stone into the well.
【44】、 往日不复返。
Yesterday never comes again.
【45】、 猫都爱吃鱼,却怕爪弄湿。
All cats love fish but fear to wet their PAWS.
【46】、 不合潮流不如脱离尘世。
Better be out of the world than out of fashion. www.yipinjuzi.com
【47】、 过则勿惮改。
Never too late to mend.
【48】、 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。
Learn young, learn fair.
【49】、 爱财是万恶之源。
The love of money is the root of all evil.
【50】、 别国的钻石是最美丽的。
Diamonds from other countries are the most beautiful.
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