【1】、 蠢人才吃两次亏。
It is a fool that has twice lost.
【2】、 过则勿惮改。
Never too late to mend.
【3】、 再好之处不如自己家。
There is no place like home.
【4】、 作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果。
Best results come from preparing for the worst.
【5】、 一个父亲胜于一百个教师。
One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.
【6】、 三思而行,再思可也。
Think twice before you act.
【7】、 不宜问道于盲。
It is no use asking a blind question.
【8】、 暴力绝不能摧毁正义。
Violence can never destroy justice.
【9】、 两只耳朵对一舌,故应多听而少说。
Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear much and speak little.
【10】、 红颜易变。
Beauty is but skin-deep.
【11】、 聪明脑袋勤劳手,走遍天下贵如金。
A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land.
【12】、 三次搬家犹如一次失火。
Three removes are as good as one fire.
【13】、 伟大的人物未必总是英明的。
Great men are not always wise.
【14】、 美德远比美丽更美好。
Virtue is fairer far than beauty.
【15】、 要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。
He that will live well must not be in debt.
【16】、 少管闲事。
Mind your own business.
【17】、 绸缎要熄灭厨房的火。
Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen.
【18】、 欲擒龙王,就得下海。
If you want to capture the dragon king, you have to go into the sea.
【19】、 一次做魔鬼,永远是魔鬼。
Once a devil, always a devil.
【20】、 每座房子都有骨架。
Every house has a skeleton. 英语谚语大全
【21】、 贫非耻,耻贫乃耻。
Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.
【22】、 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。
A book that remains shut is but a block.
【23】、 爱爱相生。
Make love goes with each other.
【24】、 良药苦口利于病。
A good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.
【25】、 好故事百听不厌。
A good tale is none the worse for being told.
【26】、 不要过河拆桥。
Don't burn your Bridges.yipinjuzi.com
【27】、 没有稻草,制砖难搞。
Bricks are hard to make without straw.
【28】、 生活道路有三条∶劳动、偷盗或乞讨。
There are three ways of life: to labor, to steal, or to beg.
【29】、 真爱永不老。
True love never grows old.
【30】、 雨雪不调,五谷价高。
If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.
【31】、 若有人称赞你,要自问对不对。
If you are praised, ask yourself if you are right.
【32】、 最简短的回答就是干。
The shortest answer is doing.
【33】、 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。
By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it.
【34】、 谎言是做贼的第一步。
A lie is the first step to becoming a thief. w多音字组词ww.yipinjuzi.com
【35】、 时间可以创造奇迹。
Time works wonders.
【36】、 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Justice has long arms.
【37】、 贫穷是游手好闲的报应。
Poverty is the reward of idleness.
【38】、 大树底下好乘凉。
Great trees are good for shade.
【39】、 捆得好,逃不了。
Well tied, no escape.
【40】、 一事成功,事事顺利。
Nothing succeeds like success.
【41】、 团结就是力量。
Unity is strength.
【42】、 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.
【43】、 下定决心成功的人是成功了一半。
He is half successful who has made up his mind to succeed.
【44】、 君子和窃贼的思想不同。
A gentleman and a thief think differently.
【45】、 言不在多,而在有物。
The word is not in the many, but in the thing.
【46】、 缺乏是健康之母。
Poverty is the mother of health.
【47】、 老鹰胜鸽,不足为荣。
It is no honor for an eagle to beat a dove.
【48】、 少女有了许多求婚者往往选中了最差的一个。
A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst.
【49】、 事难两全其美。
You can't have your cake and eat it.
【50】、 聪明人的手不做愚笨人所说的事。
The wise man's hand doth not all that the foolish man speaks.
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