A ship sunk in sand.【2】、 收支正当,无须记帐。
Make both ends meet, and keep no acc" />
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【1】、 积沙沈船。
A ship sunk in sand.

【2】、 收支正当,无须记帐。
Make both ends meet, and keep no account.

【3】、 需要面前无法律。
Necessity knows no law.

【4】、 眼睛能看见一切的东西,但看不见自己。
The eye that sees all things else sees not itself.

【5】、 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。
Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.

【6】、 理解某事物,乘其好机会。
Take a good opportunity to understand something.

【7】、 梦想总与现实相反。
Dreams are always contrary to reality.

【8】、 乡有乡俗。
Every country has its customs.

【9】、 中庸之道最保险。
A middle course is the safest.

【10】、 口不应心。
The mouth answers not the heart.

【11】、 劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿。
Workers deserve to eat, and those who do not work deserve to starve.

【12】、 不积少,不会成多。
Not much, not much.

【13】、 学习不在校,而在生活中。
Learning is not in school, but in life.

【14】、 贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。
A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.


【15】、 赌博使我们丢失时间和金钱,这两样人生最珍贵的东西。
Gambling costs us both time and money, the two most precious things in life.

【16】、 海底捞月。
Cry for the moon.

【17】、 例外能反证规律。
The exception proves the rule.

【18】、 恋爱不分贵贱。
Love makes all equal.

【19】、 广交友,无深交。
Many friends make but few acquaintances.

【20】、 新巢捉不到老鸟。
Old birds are not caught with new nests. 英语谚语大全

【21】、 按部就班。
Step by step.

【22】、 自吹自擂的人是最大的谎言者。
The greatest liars talk most of themselves.

【23】、 自然,时间和耐心,是三大伟大的医生。
Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.

【24】、 不屈不挠是成功之本。
Perseverance is the parent of success.

【25】、 待人宽,对己严。
Forgive others but not yourself.

【26】、 天不会因瞎子看不见而减其蓝色。
The sky is not less blue because the blind man cannot see it.

【27】、 爱情是盲目的。
Love is blind.

【28】、 贫穷是游手好闲的报应。
Poverty is the reward of idleness.

【29】、 百无聊赖。


【30】、 放入钱包的钱财,并非都是应得的。
All is not gain that is put in the purse.

【31】、 人生只有一次死。
A man can die but once.

【32】、 一旦上了岸,就不再祈祷。
Once on shore, pray no more.

【33】、 健康和放纵,彼此不兼容。
Health and intemperance are incompatible.

【34】、 命运对一种人如亲娘,对另一种人却是晚娘。
Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother. www.yipinjuzi.com

【35】、 光荣是美德的影子。
Glory is the shadow of virtue.

【36】、 自信是走向成功的第一步爱组词
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.

【37】、 忠言逆耳利于行。
Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.

【38】、 第一步的成功等于事情的一半已完成。
The first step is as good as half over.

【39】、 靠欺骗得来的利益会使自己受害。
Gain gained by deceit will catch up with itself.

【40】、 没有孩子的人不知道什么叫爱。
He knows not what love is that has no children.

【41】、 是就是,非就非。
Yes or no.

【42】、 下定了决心,脚步就轻盈。决心一下,脚下生风?
When you make up your mind, you are light of foot. Make up your mind.

【43】、 自己应该做的事,决不要委托别人做。
Never trust another what you should do yourself.

【44】、 一念之错可铸终生之恨。
One wrong thought may breed a lifelong hatred.

【45】、 污浊的空气杀人比刀还要快。
Foul air kills faster than the sword.

【46】、 一头牛不能剥两次皮。
You cannot flay the same ox twice.

【47】、 文明不能改变本性。
Civilization cannot change nature.

【48】、 说到曹操,曹操就到。
Speak of the devil and he appears.

【49】、 离别多愁恨,相见尽笑声。
Parting is sorrow, meeting is laughter.

【50】、 不讲究方法,办事就没有成效。
Without method, nothing can be done effectively.

> 那些直击人心的谚语的英语





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