He that is righteous with the wicked will suffer.【2】、 时间就" />
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【1】、 与恶人交往而讲仁义,必受其害。
He that is righteous with the wicked will suffer.

【2】、 时间就是金钱。
Time is money.

【3】、 得寸进尺。
Push one's luck.

【4】、 耳濡目染,身教言传。
Osmosis teaches by example.

【5】、 凡人都要死,大家都一样。
All men die, all men alike.

【6】、 无知就无疑。
Ignorance is the best policy.

【7】、 生时不做好事,死了像个畜生。
He who lives without doing good dies like a brute.

【8】、 一言既出,驷马难追。
A word spoken is past recalling.

【9】、 真正的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。-----莎士比亚
The course of true love never did run smooth. ---- -shakespeare

【10】、 爱是人生最大的乐趣。
Love is the greatest pleasure in life.

【11】、 家丑不可外扬。
Don't wash your dirty linen in public.

【12】、 狐狸常因尾巴而被捕。
The tail often catches the fox.

【13】、 受骗一次,别人可耻;受骗二次,自己该死。
Cheated once, others shame; Cheated twice, own damn.

【14】、 提出忠告易,照着办事难。
It is easier to give good counsel than to follow it.


【15】、 从容赶急。
Take your time.

【16】、 牛失其尾,方知其贵。
An ox is known by its tail.

【17】、多音字组词 是喜是忧难以分。
Joy and sorrow are inseparable.

【18】、 男子的最大财富,在于妻子贤惠,自己健康。
A good wife and health is a man's best wealth.

【19】、 不立大志,难攀高峰。
If you don't aim high, you can't climb high.

【20】、 正人先正己。
He who is upright is upright.

【21】、 劳动不伤人,忧虑才伤人。
It is not work that kills, but worry.

【22】、 适者生存。
Survival of the fittest.

【23】、 雨雪不调,五谷价高。
If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.

【24】、 一狗吠声响,狗吠满街坊。
One barking dog makes the whole neighborhood sound. 英语谚语大全

【25】、 礼貌造就人。
Manners make the man.

【26】、 真爱永不老。
True love never grows old.

【27】、 调换一下工作是很好的休息。
A change of work is as good as a rest.

【28】、 (fromStrangerbytheRiver)如果你渴望爱情,你需意识到得到爱的唯一方法就是付出爱,你付出的越多,得到的就越多。
If you long for love, you need to realize that the only way to get love is to give love, the more you give, the more you get.

【29】、 明qiang易躲,暗箭难防。
Better an open enemy than a false friend.


【30】、 老谋是不会失算的。
Old birds are not to be missed.

【31】、 一叶障目,不见泰山。
One cannot see the wood for the trees.

【32】、 爱就是爱的报酬。
Love is the reward of love.

【33】、 我们应在人降生时流泪,而不该在人死亡时哭泣。
We should weep at man's birth, not at his death.

【34】、 适用于甲的,也适用于乙。
What is true of a is also true of b.

【35】、 懒汉多吃苦。
An idle man takes much pain.

【36】、 任何帮助都胜于没有帮助。
Any help is better than no help.

【37】、 坐井观天。
A narrow view of the world.

【38】、 不求情意浓,但愿情义长。
Love me little, love me long.

【39】、 孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱足。
The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet.

【40】、 一个小漏洞可能弄沉一艘大轮船。
A small leak may sink a great ship.

【41】、 一叶便知秋。
Autumn is known by a leaf.

【42】、 浪费时间是一切花费中最奢侈豪华的费用。
Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.

【43】、 精诚所至,金石为开。
Sincerity smooth the way to success.

【44】、 半只蛋也比空壳好。
Better half an egg than empty shell.

【45】、 老当益壮。
Grow old and strong.

【46】、 我认为,人丧失了廉耻就完了。
I think a man is lost without shame.

【47】、 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣。
Better a glorious death than a shameful life.

【48】、 牵马到河易,强马饮水难。
You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. www.yipinjuzi.com

【49】、 如果你是胆小鬼,你就是自己最大的敌人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。
If you are a coward, you are your own worst enemy. If you are brave, you are your best friend.

【50】、 不自以为聪明的人是最聪明的人。
He is the wisest man who does not think himself so.

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