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1 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

2 The good or ill of man lies within his own will.人的善良或邪恶都存在于他自己的意志之中.——[古希腊]Epictetus 爱比克泰德

3 When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .——(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。 ——(美国政治家 林肯. A.)

4 Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

5 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老.直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老.——J.Barrymore 巴里穆尔

6 The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. 坟前洒下的最悲伤的眼泪,是痛悔应说而未说的话和应做而未做的事.

7 We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing shop.我们应该学会按照星辰决定航向,而不是跟随每艘驶过的船只的灯光.

8 Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人.—— Scott 斯科特

9 You are not beaten until you give up.你只要不投降就没有被打败.

10 Success belongs to the persevering.成功属于不屈不挠的人.

11 Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.——William Shakespeare 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的.——莎士比亚

12 Life is not all beer and skittles.人生并非只是啤酒和九柱戏. /人生并不全是吃喝玩乐.——T.Hughes 休斯(英国作家)

13 The truth will out.真相总会大白.

14 There are two sides to every story ... at least. 每个故事都可以从两个方面看,至少两个方面.——Ann Landers

15 There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.宇宙中只有一芥之地你肯定可以改善,那就是你自己.——A.Huxley 赫胥黎

16 Manners maketh man.举止造人品.

17 Be slow to promise and quick to perform.不轻诺,诺必果。

18 Like author, like book.文如其人。

19 By falling we learn to go safely.吃一堑,长一智。

20 keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.坚持不懈,难也变易。

21 Genius only means hard-working all one's life.——( Mendeleyer , Russian Chemist) 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。—— (俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫)

22 Fools, men of little intelligence, give themselves overt negligence, but the wise man protects his diligence as a supreme treasure.愚笨无知的人毫无顾忌地恣情放逸;但聪明的却保持努力不懈,视勤奋为无上珍宝。(本文来自语录大全网)

23 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems--or it may be the same problem--will be presented to every generation in different forms.人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场,每一代都要面对一些问题---可能是相同的问题——只不过问题的形式不同.

24 I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure. ——Jean Kerr我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西.——静.科尔

25 The world is his who enjoys it. 活着感到快乐,世界就属于你。

26 The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们.——[法]V.Hugo 雨果

27 Learn and live.活着,为了学习。

28 Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.对大多数人来说,他们认定自已有多幸福,就有多幸福.——A.Lincoln林肯

29 To be or not to be: that is the question.生与死是至关重要的问题.——Shakespeare Hamlet 莎士比亚{哈姆雷特}

30 You can't be afraid of stepping on toes if you want to go dancing.你想去跳舞就不能害怕踩着别人的脚.

31 If money be not the servant, it will be the master.不做金钱的主人,便沦为金钱的奴隶.

32 Better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟。

33 Everything must have a beginning.凡事必有始.

34 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算.

35 Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策。

36 Nature never deceives us; it is always us who deceive ourselves. 大自然永远不会欺骗我们,欺骗我们的往往是我们自己.——Rousseau (yulu.jb51.net)

37 Life is real, life is earnest.人生真实,人生诚挚.——H.W.Longfellow 朗费罗(美国诗人)Life is compared to a voyage.

38 Perseverance is the only road to success.百折不挠是通向成功的唯一道路.

39 Who strives not when he should strive, who, though young and strong, is given to idleness, who is loose in his purpose and thoughts, and who is lazy-that idler never finds the way to wisdom.不及时努力学习,年轻力壮时就懒散不堪,生活没有什麽目标和思想,怠惰的人永远不能发现智慧之路。

40 He who commences many things finishes but few.样样都搞, 完成者少.

41 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.只有为别人而活,生命才有价值.——A.Einstein 爱因斯坦

42 Words without ideas are likes sails without wind. 言之无物犹如有帆无风.

43 T爱词语 www.aizuci.comhe world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them .—— (Franklin Roosevelt , American President ) 人经过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使人类达到新的、更美好的境界。没有人仅凭闭目、不看社会现实就能割断自己与社会的联系。他必须敏感,随时准备接受新鲜事物;他必须有勇气与能力去面对新的事实,解决新问题。——(美国总统 罗斯福. F.)

44 Today is not yesterday. We ourselves change. How then can our works and thoughts, if they are always to be fittest, continue always the same? 今天不同于昨天.我们自己也在改变.那么,我们的著作和思想,如果想永远不过时,怎么能始终不改变。——Thomas Carlyle

45 All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。

46 A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的.—— R. W. Emerson 爱默生

47 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明.—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林

48 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.——Lev Tolstoy 理想是指路明灯.没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活.——列夫.托尔斯泰

49 As in the Changjing River waves urge waves, so the younger generation excels the older generation.长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强.

50 Be fond of sleep, fond of company, indolent, lazy and irritable-this is a cause of one’s downfall.贪睡眠,爱闲聊,对所学的东西不感兴趣,做事情懒懒散散,急躁而没有耐心……是导致堕落的重大要素。

51 Truth will prevail.真理必胜

52 The first step is as good as half over. 第一步是最关键的一步。

53 Like knows like.惺惺相惜。

54 A man can die but once.人无二死.

55 Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.天才是将心里想到的东西付诸实施的能力.

56 Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.坚韧不拔,意味着失败十九次,而第二十次终于成功.——[美国]J.Andersom 安德森

57 Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高.——A.Einstein 爱因斯坦

58 Man is not made for defeat.创造人不是为了让他遭受失败. /人不是为失败而生的.——E.Hemingway 海明威


59 Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.生活是绘画,不是做算术.——O.W.Holmes 霍姆斯

60 Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.人往高处走,水往低处流,

61 All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人.—— [法] Dumas pére大仲马

62 It is man's duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth.勇于探索真理是人的天职.——Copernicus 哥白尼(波兰天文学家)

63 Labour created man himself. 劳动创造人.

64 Without hard work there won't be any scientific creations.没有艰苦劳动,就没有科学创造.

65 No mill, no meal. 不磨面,没饭吃.

66 I feel strongly that I can make it.我坚信我一定能成功。

67 Never was a good work done without great effort. 不花大力气干不好工作.

68 Life is long if you know how to use it.只要你善于利用它,生命就是长久的.——Seneca 塞内加

69 No man can lose what he never had.一个人从来没有过的东西,他永远不会失去.——L.Walton 沃尔顿

70 Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖。

71 Plain living and high thinking. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。

72 Cordial friendship has a supreme taste.诚挚的友谊,味道绝佳。

73 Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的.——Shakespeare 莎士比亚(语录大全网)

74 The best way of answering a bad argument is to let it go on. 答复糟糕论点的最好办法是任其继续. ——S.Smith 史密斯

75 Never write what your dare not sign.不要写不敢署名的文章.

76 Man errs as long as he strives. ——Goethe 失误是进取的代价。 ——歌德

77 Life is a foreign language: All men mispronounce it.生活是一种外语,谁都发不好它的音.——C.D.Morley 莫利

78 Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会白白浪费.——R.Peters 彼得斯

79 Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。

80 Idleness rusts the mind. 懒散使头脑衰退.

81 Never do things by halves.做事不可半途而废.

82 Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以简为贵.——Shakespeare 莎士比亚

83 The world is his who enjoys it.世界属于热爱世界的人.

84 There is a history in all men's lives.所有人的生活里都有一部历史.——Shakespeare 莎士比亚

85 Work won't kill but worry will. 劳动无害,忧愁伤身。

86 Like for like.一报还一报。

87 Death is the privilege of human nature, and life without it were not our taking.死亡是人类天然的特权,没有死的生非人类所能有.——Nicholas Rowe 尼克拉斯.罗(英国戏剧家)

88 It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them. ——( Mark Twain , American writer )就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。 ——(美国作家 马克·吐温)

89 First impressions are most lasting.最初的印象最难忘

90 Kings have long arms.普天之下,莫非王土。

91 With justice on your side, you can go anywhere; without it; you can't take a step.有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行.yulu.jb51.net——中国谚语

92 To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家.——[古希腊]Homeros 荷马

93 Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

94 The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down.世事如长梯,有人上来有人下.

95 Fame like a river is narroest at its source and broadest afar off.名誉像条河,源头最狭窄,愈流愈宽阔.

96 Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.君王发狂,百姓遭殃。

97 The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.人的成就只有对社会有用才是有价值的.——A.Adler 阿德勒

98 Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace of happiness.金钱可以是许多东西的谷皮,却不是里面的谷粒.它能带来食物,却带不来胃口;能带来药,却带不来健康;能带来相识,却带不来友谊,能带来仆人,却带不来他们的忠心;能带来享受,却带不来幸福的宁静。——H.Ibsen 易卜生

99 As long as you live, you should be man useful to the people. /Be useful to the people all your life.活着就要做一个对人民有用的人.

100 He who seize the right moment, is the right man. ——Goethe 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 ——歌德


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