A good horse never stumbles.【2】、 笨蛋总是笨蛋。
Fools are always fools.【" />
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【1】、 良马不失蹄。
A good horse never stumbles.

【2】、 笨蛋总是笨蛋。
Fools are always fools.

【3】、 如果你不能有最好的,你就充分利用你现有的吧。
If you can't have the best, make the most of what you have.

【4】、 暴力绝不能摧毁正义。
Violence can never destroy justice.

【5】、 即使敌人小如鼠,也要防他如防虎。
Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a tiger. www.yipinjuzi.com

【6】、 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。
It is the most dangerous thing for a proud heart to meet with an obsequious mouth.

【7】、 省钱就是赚钱。
A penny saved is a penny earned.

【8】、 贪多嚼不烂。
Bite off more than one can chew.

【9】、 质重于量。
Quality is better than quantity.

【10】、 人总有一时之失。
Every man has his faults.

【11】、 友谊不该只是单方面的事。
Friendship should not be all on one side.

【12】、 孩子和傻子,不会说谎话。
Children and fools cannot lie.

【13】、 据实而言。
Tell the truth.

【14】、 见多识广者沈默寡言。
He that sees much is silent.


【15】、 愚者总好无事生非。
Fools will make a fuss.

【16】、 什么都能做,什么都不行。
Anything can be done, nothing can be done.

【17】、 有爱情必有妒忌。
Love is never without jealousy.

【18】、 狐狸舔羔羊,这是凶迹象。
It is an evil sign that a fox licks a lamb.

【19】、 清水未打来,赃水莫倒掉。
Cast not out the foul water till you have fresh water.

【20】、 爱情最重要的就是抛开疑惧,抛开爱人头脑中至上的智慧和信仰去真心地爱生活
The most important thing in love is to put aside doubts and fears, put aside the supreme wisdom and belief in the mind of the lover and truly love life 英语谚语大全

【21】、 问路总比迷路好。
Better to ask the way than go astray.

【22】、 宁可(经常运动)穿破鞋子,也不(因病长卧)磨破床单。
Better wear out shoes than sheets.

【23】、 覆水难收。
What is done cannot be undone.

【24】、 负债的人谎话多。"
People in debt lie more."

【25】、 情生情,爱生爱。
Love begets love, love begets love.

【26】、 两头落空。
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

【27】、 隐而不露即艺术。
Art is to be concealed.

【28】、 一人傻,傻大家。
One fool, all fools.

【29】、 阿谀奉承话,人们皆爱听。
Men love to hear well of themselves.


【30】、 生性乐天的人极少会变成疯子。
A man of gladness seldom goes mad.

【31】、 相马不可凭马的装饰。
A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings.

【32】、 互相吹嘘。
Brag to each other.

【33】、 如无希望,心就破碎。
Without hope, the heart is broken.

【34】、 在人生的搏斗中,只有日日前进不甘失败的人,才能获胜。
In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.

【35】、 我行我素,岂管他哉。
Whatever you do, do with it.

【36】、 身正不怕影子斜。
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.

【37】、 我们最大幸福并不是杀害别人,而是为别人而牺牲自己。
Our greatest happiness is not in killing others, but in sacrificing ourselves for others.

【38】、 事实胜于雄辩。
Actions speak louder than words.

【39】、 欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。
Cheerfulness and goodwill make Labour light.

【40】、 不能过河拆桥。
You cannot burn your Bridges.

【41】、 没有危险就不能解除危险。
Danger cannot be relieved without danger.

【42】、 从过错和失败中,我们取得了一些有益的教训。过去的错误是未来的智慧和成功。
We have learned some useful lessons from our mistakes and failures. The mistakes of the past are the wisdom and success of the future.

【43】、 爱情作酬报,劳苦必轻松。
Labour is light where love doth reward.

【44】、 贫穷不是罪恶。
Poverty is no sin.

【45】、 羊毛再白,也能染黑。
No wool is so white but it can be dyed black.

【46】、 (Ifitisnotbroken,donotfixit
(Ifitisnotbroken, donotfixit

【47】、 如今我才弄明白,干戈不能化玉帛。
Now I've learned that swords do not make ploughshares.

【48】、 妇女在受危害时比男子机智。
Women in mischief are wiser than men.

【49】、 适量劳动健身大有益爱组词
A little labor, much health.

【50】、 爱情入,友谊出。
Love in, friendship out.

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